Aniline Leather Sofa Why Choose One
The aniline dying process tints the leather used to make the leather sofa all the way through so even if you get a scratch the leather underneath the top layer is still the same color. If you want a sofa thats easy to clean youd be best off choosing one of the leathers described below. A Guide How To Buy The Best Leather Sofa But there are many reasons why semi aniline might be a better choice for the average home. Aniline leather sofa why choose one . However pure aniline leather is susceptible to stains scratches and marks and requires specialist maintenance. Chesterfield 3 seater sofa displayed in hand finished antique red. Aniline leather sofas are some of the highest quality sofas you can purchase. Aniline leather sofas are some of the highest quality sofas you can purchase. Aniline leather sofa why choose one. Learn more about buying a leather sofa at good discount. Aniline leather sofa why choose one l...